Feelings List
- Abandoned
- Afraid
- Agitated
- Alone
- Ambitious
- Amused
- Angry
- Anticipate
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Appreciative
- Apprehensive
- Astounded
- Attracted
- Bad
- Belittled
- Bent Out Of Shape
- Betrayed
- Bewildered
- Boiling
- Bored
- Bothered
- Brave
- Bugged
- Burdened
- Calm
- Captivated
- Chagrined
- Cheered
- Cold
- Comfortable
- Compassionate
- Competent
- Concerned
- Confident
- Confused
- Content
- Cool
- Cowardly
- Crushed
- Curious
- Cut Low
- Defensive
- Deflated
- Degraded
- Delighted
- Dependent
- Depressed
- Deprived
- Disappointed
- Disarmed
- Discontented
- Discouraged
- Disgusted
- Distracted
- Distressed
- Disturbed
- Doubtful
- Dreadful
- Dull
- Dumb
- Dumbfounded
- Eager
- Ecstatic
- Efficient
- Elated
- Embarrassed
- Empathetic
- Empty-handed
- Enchanted
- Encouraged
- Energetic
- Enraged
- Enraptured
- Enthusiastic
- Envious
- Exasperated
- Excited
- Exhausted
- Exhilarated
- Failure
- Fascinated
- Felt Like A Real Jerk
- Floored
- Flustered
- Fond
- Foolish
- Frantic
- Fretting
- Friendly
- Frightened
- Frustrated
- Furious
- Gay
- Glad
- Good
- Got To You
- Grateful
- Grieved
- Guilty
- Hampered
- Happy
- Hateful
- Heartbroken
- Helpful
- Helpless
- Hit Between The Eyes
- Honored
- Horrified
- Hostile
- Humble
- Humiliated
- Hungry
- Hurried
- Hurt
- Impatient
- Important
- Imposed Upon
- Impressed
- Impulsive
- In Need Of Approval
- Inadequate
- Incompetent
- Indifferent
- Inexperienced
- Infantile
- Infuriated
- Inhibited
- Insecure
- Inspired
- Interested
- Irritated
- Jovial
- Joyous
- Kindly
- Knifed In The Back
- Lazy
- Left Out
- Little
- Lonely
- Lost
- Lovable
- Loved
- Lovely
- Loving
- Low
- Lucky
- Melancholy
- Miserable
- Misused
- Modest
- Mortified
- Moved
- Naive
- Needed
- Nervous
- Opinion
- Optimistic
- Ornery
- Overcome
- Overjoyed
- Overwhelmed
- Pained
- Panicky
- Paralyzed
- Peaceful
- Peeved
- Perplexed
- Persecuted
- Perturbed
- Pessimistic
- Pitied
- Plagued
- Precarious
- Prepared
- Presumptive
- Protective
- Proud
- Provoked
- Puzzled
- Queer
- Rattled
- Rejected
- Relaxed
- Relieved
- Remorseful
- Repentant
- Resentful
- Restless
- Revengeful
- Reverent
- Ridiculous
- Riled
- Roused
- Ruffled
- Sad
- Satisfied
- Scared
- Seething
- Self-Conscious
- Self-Pitying
- Selfish
- Sensitive
- Sentimental
- Serene
- Serious
- Shocked
- Shook
- Sick
- Silly
- Simmering
- Slow
- Smart
- So-So
- Solemn
- Sore
- Sorrowful
- Sorry
- Staggered
- Startled
- Struck
- Stumped
- Stunned
- Stupid
- Submissive
- Superior
- Susceptible
- Sympathetic
- Taken Advantage Of
- Tense
- Thrilled
- Ticked Off
- Tired
- Tolerant
- Tuckered Out
- Unappreciated
- Uncomfortable
- Uneasy
- Unhappy
- Unimportant
- Unkind
- Unloved
- Unmoved
- Unprepared
- Unsure
- Untrustworthy
- Unworthy
- Upset
- Uptight
- Used
- Useless
- Vain
- Vindictive
- Warm
- Weary
- Weird
- Wild
- Wonderful
- Worried
- Worthless